Flor Del Café

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Whole Bean
12oz / 340g
: Medium
Recommended Rest: 1-2 weeks from roast date
Tasting Notes: Hazelnut, chocolate ganache, blackberry jam, banana bread

Origin Details

Region: Agua Dulce, Huehuetenango
Producer: Adony Osbaldo Perez Ramirez, Flor del Café
Process: Washed
Elevation: 1550m
Variety: Bourbon, Caturra
Other Certifications: USDA Organic

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Why we selected this origin

We chose this for its creamy body and low acidity sweetness. We found it to be balanced and complex with sweet blackberry jam and banana bread notes, with no hints of citric acid. We typically serve our espressos with this origin, to complement well with milk. However, this is an incredibly versatile coffee that can be enjoyed in many different ways.

Producer Info

Flor Del Café was founded in 1940 by Oswaldo Perez y Perez. After he passed away in 1982, his sons Mario Alfonso, Max Joel, and Adony Osbaldo Perez Ramirez, took management of the farm where they continued growing coffee with new and better techniques that resulted in higher yields, as well as experimenting with new varieties (Catimor, Catuai, and Pacamara).

In 1992, Adony Osbaldo Perez Ramirez purchased the farm from his brothers and the neighboring farm to establish Finca Flor Del Café, with an area of 105 hectares of coffee and 35 hectares of untouched tropical rainforest.

The Farm has its own wet and dry mills, housing for 150 permanent residents, and the “Casa Patronal” Mr. Oswaldo’s house.

In 2021, Adony’s dedication to producing amazing coffees was awarded when Adony submitted two lots that won Guatemala’s Cup of Excellence.

Osbaldo and his grandson
(Credit: Cup of Excellence)